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Beauty and wellness with strawberry for nutrition and health

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Strawberry: Some recent studies on the nature of the components of the antioxidant capacity of strawberries they discover that they contain, poly phenols and flavonoids.
And ‘the false fruit of the plant of the same name, that is, Fragaria vesca, which belongs to the family Rosaceae. Strawberries contain polyphenols and flavonoids as catechin, quercetin, and anthocyanins campferolo also contain ellagic acid and resveratrol, an antioxidant that is found abundantly in red wine.


The high amounts of these substances shall ensure that the strawberries are placed at the top of our scale ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity), which collects the foods with the highest content of antioxidants, and for that reason have been included among the foods that keep young people. Strawberry: In addition, other studies have highlighted the ability of these fruits to protect DNA from the attack of free radicals, preventing the cancer of the esophagus, colon, lung and prostate cancer.


Strawberry: Polyphenols extracted from the strawberries, and antimicrobial effects have been attributed to inhibition of the oxidation of bad cholesterol (LDL), with decreased risk of stroke and heart attack.

The wild strawberries: 

Their properties are similar to those of the strawberry, but possess greater amounts of antioxidants.

But let’s see what’s in the strawberries Kcal/100g: 27

fat: 0.4 g
proteins:, 9 g
carbohydrates: 5.3 g
fiber: 1.6 g
Cholesterol: 0 

vitamins: thiamine or vitamin B1 0.02 mg, 0.04 mg riboflavin or vitamin B2, niacin or vitamin B3 0.50 mg, folic acid or vitamin B9 and 18.00 mcg; traces vitamin A, vitamin C 54 mg
minerals: sodium 2 mg, potassium 160 mg, iron 0.8 mg, calcium 35 mg, phosphorus 28 mg, zinc 0.1 mg


Strawberry has a toning, diuretic, laxative, soothing and purifying, it also has an anti-inflammatory. Contains poly phenols that defend the body from free radicals, inhibit the bad cholesterol and protect the cardio vascular system.

Clinical uses of strawberries:

bad cholesterol (LDL) level: 100 g strawberries blend with a glass of apple juice with no added sugar. Drink once a day especially during the spring fragile capillaries and rosacea: eat at least 70 g of strawberries per day
overweight: use strawberries as a snack mid-morning and mid-afternoon

Beauty-and-wellness-with-strawberry-for-nutrition-and-health-daiquiriStrawberry: Warning: strawberries in a few susceptible individuals, can trigger hives or severe allergic reactions, in this case should be avoided.

How to prepare a mask anti rosacea with strawberries:

take 10 strawberries
put them in a blender with 2 tablespoons of greek yogurt and 15 drops of tincture of Calendula
mix all together and Apply the mixture on the face and neck with a flat spatula and brush with soft
let stand for 20 minutes
then rinse with warm water
Finally, dab it with rose water

Be careful not to spill the preparation obtained on the eyes and lips.

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