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Beauty tips and secrets to get rejuvenate the skin cleansing

Beauty-tips-and-secrets-to-get-rejuvenate-the-skin-cleansing-image-1Beauty tips and secrets to get rejuvenate the skin cleansing You can find guide of beauty and wellness this and many other articles that talk new trends.











Facial cleansing, especially in the evening is also a matter of time. It may take a few seconds and then when it is quieter, recover with some extra treatment.


The important thing is to never forget it.
When you are in a hurry, to clean your face, okay just a little warm water. You can use a bit of soap but must have a slightly acidic pH, such as 5.5, to further the integrity of the hydro-lipid film.

After drying the face, it is necessary to soften the skin with a specific tonic. An aerosol-based thermal water is ideal. The minerals containing soothe irritation, improve circulation and fight the negative effects of calm. In just a few Beauty-tips-and-secrets-to-get-rejuvenate-the-skin-cleansing-image-3minutes longer available you can devote to the specific needs of your skin. If fat is, for example, it is better to use a detergent in a gel or a foam, which eliminates the greasiness. If these products were to be too aggressive for the rest of the face, you can diversify cleaning, using milk and tonic where there are problems of greasiness, and gel or foam in the ‘T’.

For professional cleaning instead take longer, but the result is a very light skin. Pour the cleanser on your fingertips and massage for three minutes in a circular motion. In this way it gives time to the product of the impurities dissolve well. Attention to distribute the cleaner over the entire face, including eyebrows and hairline, where the dust and makeup residue settle more easily.
Beauty-tips-and-secrets-to-get-rejuvenate-the-skin-cleansing-image-2After cleaning the face is massaged with the cosmetic fingertips drawing circles from the lower eyelid, proceeding towards the temples. Then continue on the upper eye from the inside out. All this for about two minutes. So it promotes the drainage of liquids and the elimination of puffiness and dark circles.
Once a week we spend about ten minutes to make a scrub! Especially for those who have oily skin should use a scrub specifically, with rather large granules. In this way it is possible to clean in depth even more dilated pores. The scrub for dry skin however, must have smooth sand, almost intangible, and dissolve in the water during the massage. Attention, then, that the product contains no soap but has an oil base.

You can find more articles, with tips and details on our beauty and wellness category. Thanks again for visiting and good continuation.

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