Wellness and health by avoiding diseases with food proper
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Avoiding diseases with food
Natural food prevents the risk of diseases. The humanity of our day, so sick, he should reflect on these things. We discover new medicines every day, but you constantly have new diseases. In particular, cancerous diseases, multiple sclerosis, other diseases that affect the cells, the central nervous system, all this concerns us. Is it not strange that the indigenous people, who live in a natural way, do not know the cancer?

Multiple sclerosis is unknown to them, therefore, the diseases by degeneration of the cells, such as we find in these two cases shall be confined to civilized countries, even many infectious diseases predominantly affect people weakened it from the fine people of high culture. Indigenous people, even if he lives in the vicinity of the so-called civilized, is not affected by these diseases, although virus or pathogenic microbes could well spread among them. This is the case of multiple sclerosis, although so far not been established whether this virus, microbe or pathogen, which causes the disease. But other similar diseases are not found among the indigenous peoples, because their power frugal and provides sufficient natural body defense forces, which is not affected.

This is proved by a simple experiment with brown rice. Each grain is really an integer, a ready recipe of the Creator. If we remove at least one of its components, we have a miss, a disadvantage to health. Therefore it is important for the use of whole grain optimal nutrition.

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Wellness and health by avoiding diseases with food proper
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