Zone Diet | Health and hormonal balance with the Zone Diet
Zone Diet dietary advice in the Zone diet and hormonal balance to stay healthy. The diet “Zone” is not really a diet. In fact, the term “zone” is used to:
Identify an ideal area, bounded by 3 points, within which remain to stay healthy. These 3 points that identify the “zone” of well-being are:1) Diet
2) Moderate physical activity.
3) Stress Control (through meditation and the like) These are the three parameters that make up “the Zone”.
These are the three parameters that make up “the Zone”.
Almost all, however, identify the area only with diet, that is, only with the power supply, while in reality it is a more complex reality.
As far as the power is given by the genius of simplicity, which is also reason for the success and the affirmation of the idea.The Zone Diet
This diet is also known as the “40-30-30 Diet”, because of the relationship between the three macronutrients, carbohydrates, proteins and fats, recommended to “get to the area.”
The Zone is based on the consideration that the functioning of the human body depends on the activity and that the hormonal balance of these is affected by diet.
Keep the hormonal balance is the fundamental purpose of the Zone diet.
In this diet foods are recruited in the percentages 40/30/30, which refer respectively to the quantity of carbohydrates (40%), protein (30%) and fat (30%).
E ‘can set the amount of food to be taken, according to the type of physical activity and the relationship between lean body mass and body fat mass. One of the possible ways and certainly the easiest is to make reference to sex, weight and the circumference of the wrist. Other authors have adapted the zone diet to particular activities, such as those of competitive spirit, body builders, even if one could not speak properly of a bodybuilding diet in the usual sense of the term, the percentages vary classic of the area, speaking on the relationship between protein / carbohydrates.
Once you have determined the protein requirement is possible to establish the amount of carbohydrates and fats to be taken in proportion. For carbohydrates special attention should be paid to high-fat “glycemic index” (GI).With regard to the hormonal activity the Zone Diet mainly refers to two types of hormone:
Endocrine hormones (secreted by glands) and eicosanoid hormones (secreted at the cellular level)Insulin and glucagon Zone Diet
There are two endocrine hormones whose main function is to control the levels of macronutrients in the body. They have opposite activities. Insulin notifies the cells to capture and store excess nutrients, while glucagon, notifies the release of glucose back into the blood flow, in order to make available the necessary energy to the physiological activities.
Insulin is secreted mainly due to the presence of glucose (due to the ingestion of carbohydrate) in the blood, while the glucagon is secreted in response to raising the concentration of amino acids (protein ingestion). Fats do not have any influence on this instead hormonal activity, so much so that studies of Sears, show that one of the ways to lose weight is to provide a right amount of fatty acids in addition to ensuring a lasting sense of satiety does not cause reactions of increased body fat due to hormonal activity.After a meal, the pancreas secretes insulin so much is something necessary to maintain the proper concentration of sugar in the blood. A meal rich in carbohydrates means that the insulin will be abundantly secreted into the blood. If this happens, the balance between insulin and glucagon will be altered.Eicosanoids The Zone Diet
Are hormones that act as biochemical messengers at the cellular level. Their levels are determined by what we eat every day (or altered by the use of drugs, such as aspirin). They are built from fatty acids Omega 6, Omega 3, omega 3 eicosapentaenoic [EPA], the acid arachinodico [AA] and dihomo gamma linolenic acid [DGLA]. The types of eicosanoids constructed depend on these two fatty acids and simplifying can be ideally divided into eicosanoids “good” (inhibit inflammatory processes) and eicosanoids “bad” (activate inflammatory processes). Their purpose is to activate certain cellular functions, controlling the secretion of testosterone, insulin, etc..
What matters is not seems to be the amount ingested of DGLA and AA, as the activity carried out by an enzyme [delta-5-desaturase] that converts DGLA to AA, activity enhanced by the presence of insulin and inhibited by glucagon. High levels of insulin have an adverse effect on the levels of AA and DGLA. The omega 3 fatty acids, however, inhibit the enzyme activity.
Omega 3 is mainly found in fish, in some vegetable fats (eg linseed oil), and also in animals raised in the wild.
AAs are present in egg yolk, liver, and usually in the meat of internal organs, foods that should therefore be much reduced if not avoided.
How and what to Eating Diet Zone
The Zone diet uses 2 methods to keep the ‘hormonal balance:
1) Insert in each meal a certain amount of protein, to cause the release of glucagon, resulting in the mobilization of fat and slowing of insulin secretion. Protein foods considered best ones are free from saturated fats (poultry, egg white, etc..).2) Check the insulin secretion with a moderate intake of carbohydrates and giving priority to those that are released into the blood more slowly, ie those with a low glycemic index (eg vegetables). But if the amount of low GI carbohydrates is excessive, however, shall result in an increase in blood sugar. A meal Ideal area contains a small amount of low GI carbohydrates that is absorbed slowly, avoid raising insulin levels.Saturated fats adversely affect the balance of AA and DGLA, favoring the development of insulin resistance (reduced sensitivity of cells), which in this way makes the greater the amount required to control glucose levels in the blood. All this leads to store fat in the body and to a series of negative consequences discussed elsewhere in this site (including diabetes).
However, the fatty acids are required in the diet, as are the basis of the production of eicosanoids and other bodily processes.
Diet area.The ‘ingestion of these fats is also necessary if you want to burn the fat. Are not these fats make you fat, but the constant caloric excess, the consumption of high GI carbohydrates that cause sudden rises in blood sugar and the resulting high insulin production.
Furthermore fats slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and ingestion of polyunsaturated fatty stimulates the production of cholecystokinin, a hormone that contributes to the sense of satiety.
Reaching the area: the system of “Blocks”.
Sears has devised a method which allows to reach the balance of macronutrients as he elaborated: the system of “Blocks” food.- Swallow 9 grams of carbohydrates for every 7 grams of protein
– Ingest 3 grams of fat for every 7 grams of proteinIn this way you will get the 40-30-30 ratio between the calories provided carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Among the calories and not the quantity in weight.
To simplify Sears has developed the system of “Blocks”:
– 1 block of protein is composed of 7 grams
– 1 block of carbohydrates is made up of 9 grams
– 1 block of fat is composed of 3 gramsThe first thing to do is to calculate your protein needs in terms of grams.
Divide that number by 7, to find the number of blocks protein daily.
Divide this number by the number of meals throughout the day.
The resulting number represents the number of blocks for each protein meal. Observe then the relations between the three blocks of macronutrients:
1 block of protein, + 1 block of carbohydrates, + 1 block of fat.
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