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Online guide chores and children tips for the family today

Guide-online-chores-and-children-tips-for-the-family-todayOnline guide chores and children tips for the family today guide family husband parents daughter children sister brothers mothers father cohabitation.


Every caregiver wants to get their children onto the road towards self sufficiency. One of the best ways to do this is to have your child start to help around the house with chores. Unfortunately, this has come to be considered an overwhelming task for many caregivers in today’s society. Using these ideas ensures that you are going to be able to help those children start down that path of self sufficiency.

The easiest way to get children to help around the house is by encouraging children to help around the house when they are young. This means that you should have them help out as much as they are able to. Accordingly, it is not suggested that you have a four year old clean out a refrigerator, since this is neither possible nor appropriate for so young a child. As always, when you are dealing with young children, you need to be patient but firm and fair with the children involved. This means that young children, regardless of the gender, need to be treated as close to the same as is humanely possible. Do not expect the girls to be doing more than the boys, just because they are girls.

When attempting to teach older children (say between eight and ten years of age) the habit of doing chores, ask the children to help draw up a list of chores they could help you with. Such chores could include things like folding the clean clothes after washing, taking out the garbage, clearing the table after dinner, loading the dishes into the dishwasher, and helping to put the dishes away. These are all wonderful examples of chores that older children can help with. Divide up these jobs so that each child has a set number for them to complete every week. In order to maintain an appearance of fairness, and so that the children do not end up thinking that one child is doing more than another, rotate theses jobs on at least a monthly basis.

One way to reward the children is by providing pocket money in return for the successful completion of their chores. Some may see this as bribing a child to do any work, but what this is actually doing is giving these children a tangible reward for accomplishing work. One way to look at this is we have a job for almost exactly the same reason. Just as we may get a bonus for working overtime, or doing an exceptional job, extra money might be earned for accomplishing extra jobs.

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